2009년 10월 21일 수요일


In Hieronymous Bosch's work, you can feel the fear and horror of the people who lived during late mid age to early Renaissance. Even though we can't imagine what it would be like to live through that period of time, but we still can imagine what could be the biggest fear when church controls almost every part of daily life. Devil's temptation, images of the inferno, or witch hunt could have been the root of their fear(or these things could have originated from the fear they had deep inside). Bosch tried to express these kind of religious fear and horror without any filtering, - sometimes too directly - and as a result of that, his works are so bizarre and mysterious. It's hard to find out those kind of impressions at the other artist's work.

This thesis will try to follow the way that Bosch tried to figure out the fear of thier daily life, and figure out the most fundamental fears of today. It might have some sense of humanities or sociology. Then going to analyze how they affected today's life and art visually so it could also have aesthetical meanings.

Two works for this thesis will be followed, first one will be using the fear and horror figured out and trying to express them visually. Second one will be analyzing, twisting and destroying the first work to see clearly what are the main factors of our fear today.

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  1. Just some thoughts.......

    Fear, Horror and Media
    From Hieronymus Bosh to Tom McCarthy the nature of the visceral shock.

    During the middle ages a key artistic figures used fear and shock as a method to broadcast religious intentions of control and also whether intentional or not to titillate. Non more so than Hieronymus Bosch. Bosh has become synonymous as the purveyor of the devil and his evil intentions. Bosch expressed these kinds of religious fear and horrors without any filtering, - sometimes too directly - and as a result of that, his works are so bizarre and mysterious. It's hard to find out those kinds of impressions at the other artist's work.


    Part One
    In the first part of this thesis I propose to research and anylise the history and methodology of the psychological and theological shock in art and expression from the time of Bosh and look at the contempary non secular world to see how those concepts
    Pervade our connected digital lives.

    Part Two
    As part of this process I will produce an artwork based on these principles in an attempt to quantify this all too human of issues.
